Division Order Analysts carry out a vital and important function for an oil and gas company. Their tasks are many. They are called upon to calculate each owner’s interest in a well to the 8th decimal place. They are often called upon to cure very complex title problems. They often handle substantial amounts of suspended funds. They speak with mineral owners, non-operators, overriding royalty owners, title attorneys and are called upon to coordinate well ownership with marketing, engineering and production. They provide correct information to the accounting department so people can get paid correctly. After a well is drilled and is producing, they become the guardians of everyone’s interest in that producing well. This program consists of six self-paced online classes offered through Petroleum Education Workshops.
The oil and gas lease is, without question, the foundation of every oil and gas exploration and production company. It can be said, with a great deal of certainty, that these simple pieces of paper are, indeed, the greatest assets a company can own. With this in mind, the role of the oil and gas personnel who oversee and manage these simple pieces of paper becomes paramount for the success of the oil and gas company. These people have been hired not as data input personnel but rather as the guardians of the company assets. Their responsibility goes far beyond shuffling paper and capturing information into a computer system. Their job is as an analyst, overseer, maintainer, and guardian of these assets. For the company to realize its maximum success, those who oversee the leases must also succeed. This program consists of six self-paced online classes offered through Petroleum Education Workshops.
The functions of the Land Technician can be diverse. They might be called upon to perform a multitude of important tasks including researching complicated contracts, leases, title and/or land owner issues; providing analysis of land contracts and leases; calculating working and net revenue interests; processing and monitoring invoices from field brokers and title attorneys; preparing and routing AFE’s; preparing paperwork and correspondence to be sent to partners; and/or updating relevant internal databases to ensure compliance with contracts and agreements.This program consists of seven self-paced online classes offered through Petroleum Education Workshops.
Before a company can begin drilling for oil or gas, they need to own the rights to the oil and/or minerals owned by the mineral owners. Field landmen are the ones who bridge the gap between the oil companies and the landowners. While landmen are sometimes hired by energy companies, they more commonly work as independent contractors for brokers, who hire them to perform the services required before any drilling can commence. These services might include a determination of land and mineral ownership, the procurement and negotiations of land and mineral leases, curing land titles, an examination of surface issues, due diligence projects, and/or contract negotiations.
This program consists of six self-paced online classes offered through Petroleum Education Workshops.
Each self-paced online course is offered through Petroleum Education Workshop’s website and can be taken at any time in order to receive a job related program certificate through Petroleum Education Workshops.